Vector (plasmid, BAC or piggyBAC) Construction 1-3 months
Transgenic expression vectors can be constructed based on individual requirements, and on available sequences and base constructs.
- assembly of standard expression cassettes (promoter and gene of interest)
- assembly of transgenes activated by Cre-recombinase
- inclusion of additional control elements, and construct sizes of up to 25 kb
- establishment of founder/offspring screening
- establishment of a quantification procedure for transgenes
- preparation of vector DNA, isolation of an appropriate fragment and injection of zygotes
- transfer into IVC-held foster mothers
- maintenance and genotyping of offspring
Dependent on the mouse strain and vector, a minimum number of offspring and founder is guaranteed.
Determination of copy number
PolyGene offers to determine the copy number of the transgene via quantitative real-time PCR. Contact us for more information.